The author will research two different realizations : 1 ) to design a can bus interface system based on scm system . this interface system would change the digital commands obtained from the c ' an bus into the analog control signals and send these signals to the existing analog electric servos 这项工作将研究两种实现方案: 1 )设计一个基于单片机系统的canbus接口系统,用来将can总线上的数字指令转换为模拟控制信号,送给已有的电动伺服模拟控制系统。
The author will research two different realizations : 1 ) to design and realized a can bus interface system based on scm system . this interface system would change the digital commands obtained from the can bus into the analog control signals and send these signals to the existing analog electric servos 这项工作将研究两种实现方案: 1 )设计一个基于dsp的can总线接口系统,用来将can总线上的数字指令转换为模拟控制信号,送给已有的电动伺服模拟控制系统。